Dryer Vents
Did you know that dryer lint is VERY FLAMMABLE?!!!
Having your dryer vent cleaned can:
Increase it's efficiency
Decrease the time needed to dry your clothes
Decreasing your power consumption = Decrease in your power bill!!!
Contact us now to book a service
902 868-1324

Ventilation - HRV
“• Ventilation: A healthy home has to have good indoor air quality. The air inside your home is more polluted than the air outside - in some cases 100 times dirtier - and new homes usually have poorer indoor air quality than older homes because they are designed and built tighter to reduce air leakage. That's great in terms of saving money, but we also trap everything in the air, like VOCs, mould, allergens, pet dander, dust mites and the residual odours from cooking and pets. And that bad air can lead to allergic reactions and health concerns.
We need to ventilate to bring in fresh air to reduce contaminants, but also to reduce moisture - because a healthy house is dry.
Most moisture is created by us, and by our living in the home. We shower, do laundry and run dishwashers - all of which put moisture into the air. We also breathe. All that moisture needs to escape. If it doesn't, we'll have poor indoor air quality, which leads to poor health for both your home and the people who live in it.”
-Mike Holmes-
Air Conditioners - Heat Pumps
“An air conditioner needs regular maintenance: filter changes, as well as annual tune-ups, yet it seems to be the most forgotten appliance. That's probably because it's outside and is only used for part of the year in colder climates. So, apart from taking off the cover in spring and putting it back on in fall, people don't give them much thought. They don't think about it until that first hot day when it doesn't work. Or when it breaks down in the middle of a heat wave and they have to wait for a service call because everyone else is in the same boat.
Let's face it: Air conditioners aren't pretty. They are big and they can be noisy, especially older models. Of course, you want to hide them. You don't see television commercials showing off the shiny new AC unit in the middle of your garden, the way you see a new fridge or stove showcased in a designer kitchen. We hide them. Some people even plant shrubs or build wooden screens in front of them. I've even found one AC unit tucked under a raised deck that was built right over it. Not good.
I get it. I understand the motivation, but the unit must be free to breathe. The air conditioner has to bring enough air in to properly cool the house, and to allow the condenser to work. You can't restrict airflow around it, or it will be less efficient and will break down - guaranteed.
Ideally, you should get your unit checked every spring. Odds are, you didn't, if you are like most people. The technician will check coolant levels and the air filter, clean the evaporator, condenser coils and drains, and check for any small problems that might become big ones. If your coolant is low, it's not because it got burned up the way your car burns gas. It means there's a leak, and that's a problem, because coolant is toxic, and because eventually, that leak will lead to compressor failure.
If you maintain your air conditioner regularly, you'll save money on energy, as well as prolong the life of the unit. An annual tune-up can help your AC operate at almost 100 per cent efficiency. But you will pay for every year you forget to have it serviced: You lose about five per cent of its original efficiency, and that costs you on your electric bill.”
-Mike Holmes-